CHAPTER 21: SHE SELLS SANCTUARY (Part 1)/Jungle Love Andrea was in the shower when I arrived for my first sleepover at her house but she had left a key out for me so I could let myself in. This pleased me greatly, for anytime I could find her in a state of nakedness, was a good time to find her indeed. Upon getting ready, she and I had a very nice evening together which included dinner and a movie. Then as we retired to her bed for the night at her place, I began to initiate sex but she said she wasn’t sure if she was ready to do that in her house with me yet, so I eased up to appease her wishes. Surprisingly enough though, after a little talking about casual stuff, we started kissing; which lead to making out; which in turn led to other stuff; and then we were christening her bed for the first time. This was good for us, but it set a level of intensity throughout the jungle that was her house, and the natives were restless. Initially, while this was happening, her cat sat at...