About the Book
Xavior Zevon's book ‘Crazy Chick Magnet ‘sees him getting a rough start at life as a nerdy kid with awkward tendencies and a bowl haircut to boot. At the time, all he wanted was the love and affection of the opposite sex. However, it looked like it would never happen, so for a while, he invested his time and money into music, which became a very defining moment in his life. In the process, he became a bit of an expert in his music knowledge (more specifically rock music). Eventually though, he came into his own and developed an arsenal of interesting stories. Crazy Chick Magnet blends his stories of love and love lost with a plethora of sexual encounters and it is all threaded together in a tapestry of music that spans the decades. Xavior's book incorporates music as a character itself as the soundtrack changes throughout each chapter. Every word is authentic. His accounts will take you through a journey that you are likely not to forget. It is a book that will certainly evoke some laughs, some tears, maybe a little disbelief, and hopefully on occasion it will stimulate your fun parts. So, if you like books about music, sex, life, relationships, and dating you are sure to find a great read in Xavior Zevon's erotic nonfiction, Crazy Chick Magnet.
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